With portfolio slider you can showcase recent updates to your portfolio or show featured portfolio items. Like all of Blaszok’s shortcodes this one is also available through VisualComposer, which offers a simple drag & drop interface to build complex pages with ease.

[mpc_vc_deco_header type=”h5″ text=”Recent Portfolio Items”][mpc_vc_portfolio_posts_slider type=”recent” number=”6″ category=”all” tag=”all”]
[mpc_vc_deco_header type=”h5″ text=”Recent Portfolio Alternative”]

Recent Portfolio Sessions

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam quis leo at mauris faucibus suscipit. Sed orci arcu, tincidunt at commodo in. Pellentesque pellentesque pharetra lacus.

Vestibulum aliquet justo rutrum magna tincidunt fringilla. In eget nisl in justo mattis accumsan eu nec magna.

[mpc_vc_portfolio_posts_slider type=”recent” number=”6″ category=”all” tag=”all”]
[mpc_vc_deco_header type=”h5″ text=”Shortcode Attributes”]
  • type – recent / random
  • number – how many items to show
  • tag – filter by tags
  • categories – filter by categories